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min:1 max:1
Required. Describe in a few words the subject matter of the reference provided (e.g. methodology for assessment of ecological potential, methodology for the assessment of upward trends in groundwater, information on basic measures, etc). Quality checks: Element check: Subject must be reported. Only one value can be reported for each reference structure.
min:1 max:1
Required. Provide the name of the reference document where other relevant information can be found. The name should identify the document unequivocally. For each document, either upload the document as a file or provide a hyperlink (see elements below) Quality checks: Element check: DocumentName must be reported. Only one value can be reported for each reference structure.
min:1 max:1
Required. For each document provide the chapter/s, sections/s or page range/s where the relevant information can be found. Quality checks: Element check: Bookmark must be reported. Only one value can be reported for each reference structure.