WFD Template Definition
Template short name: TEMP_RWBODY_WK, Name: Temp_Rwbody_WK, Geometry type: Line
Attribute short name
Attribute values
Vorgegebener Schablonenname, schreibgeschuetzt
string (24)
Internationaler Code des RiverWaterBody. Der Code setzt sich zusammen aus dem MemberStateCode, dem Schlüssel für die Feature Class und einer landesspezifischen Wasserkörper-ID (für Deutschland gilt: MS_CD_RW). Sofern es sich um ein virtuelles Segment eines berichtspflichtigen Objektes (See oder Übergangsgewässer) handelt, ist die EU-Wasserkörper-ID (EU_CD_WB) derjenigen Feature Class anzugeben, die im ContinuaCode referenziert wird Generell: <MemberStateCode>_ <FeatureClassCode>_<ID>
string (42)
Der CountryStateCode wird in Anlehnung an die Regelungen der DIN EN ISO 3166-1 und DIN ISO 3166-2 aus zwei Alpha-2 Schluesseln zusammen gesetzt. Der erste Teil des Schluessels entspricht dem CountryCode, der zweite Schluesselbestandteil steht fuer die Verwaltungseinheiten (Bundesland). Fuer Deutschland sind diese Verwaltungseinheiten vorgegeben. Fuer andere Laender ist der Alpha-2 Schluessel (XX) frei waehlbar.
string (4)
CountryStateCode des federführenden Landes
string (4)
Eindeutiger Code des ausgewiesenen Gebiets in Fließrichtung rechts. Nur A11 bezogene Codes (Binnenhochwasser) sind einzuarbeiten. Fehlwert: -9999
string (24)
Angabe, ob der Wasserkörper künstlich ist
string (1)
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded to enable the generation of change only update files. -- Guidance -- Conditional. Data Providers should report this information, if available. Data Providers must report this information if the endLifespanVersion value is reported.
date (8)
Conditional, mandatory for endLifespanVersion is not null
Einstufung des chemischen Zustandes nach WRRL-Anhang V (1.4.3)
string (1)
Die Codes 'Y' und 'N' stehen für tatsächliche Gewässerabschnitte. Alle weiteren Codes beschreiben virtuelle Gewässerverbindungen, um das Gewässernetz zu schließen. Die korrekte Anwendung ist wichtig für die genaue Bestimmung der Anzahl realer Wasserkörper. erweiterte Codelistenauswahlmöglichkeit mit: V = kleiner virtueller Gewässerabschnitt außerhalb der WRRL-Betrachtung W = kleiner realer Gewässerabschnitt außerhalb der WRRL-Betrachtung
string (1)
Einstufung des ökologischen Potentials von künstlichen oder erheblich veränderten Wasserkörpern nach WRRL-Anhang V (1.4.2.(ii))
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for Rwcharacter Artificial = "Y" or Rwcharacter HeavilyModified = "Y"
Einstufung des ökologischen Zustands von natürlichen Wasserkörpern nach WRRL-Anhang V (1.4.2.(i))
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for Rwcharacter Artificial = "N" and Rwcharacter HeavilyModified = "N"
Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set. -- Description -- NOTE This date is recorded primarily for those systems which "close" an entry in the spatial data set in the event of an attribute change. -- Guidance -- Optional. If the version of the spatial object being reported is still unchanged in the national datasets, then Data Providers are not required to provide this information. For example, Data Providers reporting under WFD 2016 should report the current version of the spatial object: therefore the endLifespanVersion attribute is not required. This attribute is kept in the data model to allow future updates and support the traceability of changes to objects previously reported.
date (8)
Internationaler Code für RiverSegment. Der Code setzt sich zusammen aus dem MemberStateCode, dem Alpha-2 Schlüssel für Feature Class RiverSegment und dem MemberstateSegmentCode: <MemberStateCode>_ <FeatureClassCode>_ <SEG_CD>. Letzterer ist eine eine eindeutige Nummer.
string (42)
Angabe des Segmentanfangs in Kilometer mit bis zu fünf Nachkommastellen, ausgehend von der Flussmündung bestimmt.
number (9.5)
Angabe, ob der Wasserkörper erheblich verändert ist
string (1)
For HMWBs only, report the physical alteration that has resulted in the designation of the surface water body as a HMWB. In the context of designation, physical alterations mean any significant alterations that have resulted in substantial changes to the hydromorphology of a surface water body such that the surface water body is substantially changed in character. In general, these hydromorphological characteristics are long-term and alter both the morphological and hydrological characteristics. Further guidance on the terms is found under the Glossary section below. Quality checks: Conditional check: Report if MODIFIED is ‘Y’.
string (254)
Conditional, mandatory for MODIFIED = 'Y'
For HMWBs only, report the water use for which it has been designated. ‘Wider environment’ can refer to designation in order to maintain nature protected areas and also archaeological sites and patrimony (see CIS Guidance Document No. 4 – Identification and Designation of Heavily Modified and Artificial Water Bodies ). Quality checks: Element check: A valid option must be selected from the enumeration list. More than one option can be selected. Conditional check: Report if MODIFIED is ‘Y’.
string (254)
Conditional, mandatory for MODIFIED = 'Y'
Angaben zu den Auswirkungen der Wasserkoerperbelastungen. Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich, kommasepariert ohne Leerstellen.
string (255)
Conditional, mandatory for Land_cd like "DE%"
If 'Other Significant Impacts' is selected from the enumeration list under Impact, provide details of any other impact types which are relevant in this element. This element should only be reported if the impact type is not included in the enumeration list under Impact. Quality checks: Conditional check: Report if 'Other Significant Impacts' is selected from the enumeration list under Impact.
string ​(1000)
Conditional, mandatory for 'Other Significant Impacts' selected from the enumeration list under swSignificantImpact​Type
string (15)
Erstellungsdatum des Datensatzes
date (8)
Sofern zwei Länder bei der Festlegung der Geometrie beteiligt sind soll hier der CountryStateCodes des anderen beteiligten Landes angegeben werden, welches nicht hochlädt. Der Code wird in Anlehnung an die Regelungen der DIN EN ISO 3166-1 und DIN ISO 3166-2 aus zwei Alpha-2 Schluesseln zusammen gesetzt. Der erste Teil des Schluessels entspricht dem CountryCode, der zweite Schluesselbestandteil steht fuer die Verwaltungseinheiten (Bundesland). Fuer Deutschland sind diese Verwaltungseinheiten vorgegeben. Fuer andere Laender ist der Alpha-2 Schluessel (XX) frei waehlbar.
string (4)
Nationale Beschreibung der Gewässerttypen nach WRRL-Anhang II (Für Deutschland gilt: Sofern Empfehlungen in der LAWA-Arbeitshilfe zur WRRL ausgesprochen wurden, sollte diesen gefolgt werden, siehe WFD-Codelist:DERiverBodyTypeCode)
string (10)
Der Name der Metadatendatei ist abhaengig vom hier erfassten Gebiet. Er kann auf vier verschiedene Arten gebildet werden. Er setzt sich zusammen aus der Kurzbezeichnung fuer die Schablone, dem CountryStateCode, dem WorkAreaCode oder dem RiverBasinDistrictCode und wird um die Dateinamenserweiterung XML ergaenzt. Alle Angaben sind in Grossbuchstaben auszufuehren. Schema: <TemplateShortName>_ <CountryStateCode>_ <WorkAreaCode>.XML or <TemplateShortName>_ <CountryStateCode>_ <RiverBasinDistrictCode>.XML or <TemplateShortName>_ <CountryStateCode>.XML or <TemplateShortName>_ <WorkAreaCode>.XML Beispiel: fuer Nordrhein-Westfalen fuer den Niederrhein: COMPATH_DENW_2800.XML fuer Nordrhein-Westfalen fuer den Rhein COMPATH_DENW_2000.XML fuer Nordrhein-Westfalen: COMPATH_DENW.XML fuer das Gesamtgebiet Niederrhein: COMPATH_2800.XML
string (255)
Name des Wasserkörpers.
string (250)
Internationaler Name des Wasserkörpers.
string (250)
Code für Planungseinheit
string (10)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE11VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE11VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE122VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE122VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE123VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE123VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE124VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE124VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE12VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE12VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE13VAL <> "8"
time period defining when the management, restriction or regulation zone was legally designated or became effective in the real world.
date (8)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE13VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE14VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE14VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE21VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE21VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Indicate whether the surface water body reaches the national border, extends across it or is shared with other countries (i.e. the river is the national border). Not relevant for territorial waters. Quality checks: Element check: Transboundary must be reported. A valid option must be selected from the enumeration list. Only one option can be selected. Within-schema check: 'No' should be reported if SurfaceWaterBodyCategory is 'TeW'.
string (1)
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE22VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE23VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE23VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE311VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE311VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE312VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE312VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE313VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE313VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE314VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE314VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE315VAL <> "8"
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE315VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE3161VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE3161VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE3162VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE3162VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
If the QE was monitored and the classification was derived from the monitoring data available, indicate the year/period of the monitoring data which was used in the classification. LAWA-interne Festlegung: Es gelten das Datum bzw. die Jahre der Bewertung, nicht der Messung. Format: YYYY oder YYYY--YYYY.
string (10)
Conditional, mandatory for QE33VAL <> "8"
Required. Indicate the results of the assessment of this QE for all relevant surface water categories. '1' = High status or maximum potential. '2' = Good status or potential. '3' = Moderate status or potential (for QE1) or less than good status or potential (for QE2 and QE3). '4' = Poor status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). '5' = Bad status or potential (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE1). 'MonitoredButNotUsed' = Monitored but no standard has been developed and/or the QE is not used for status assessment (this option is only valid for quality elements starting with QE2 or QE3). 'Unknown' = Unknown status or potential. 'Not applicable' = Not applicable If there is no monitoring information for this QE and/or status is unknown then select ' Unknown' from the enumeration list. If the QE is not applicable in the surface water category or type then select option 'Not applicable' from the enumeration list. Quality checks: Within-schema check: if surfaceWaterCategory is 'TeW' then 'Not applicable' must be selected. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE1, the option 'MonitoredButNotUsed' is not valid. If qeCode is any quality element starting with QE2 or QE3, the options '4' and '5' are not valid.
string (1)
Report the change in classification since the first RBMP: '+2' = Improvement by 2 or more classifications. '+1' = Improvement by 1 classification. '0' = No change of classification. ‘-1' = Deterioration by 1 classification. ‘-2' = Deterioration by 2 or more classifications. 'Unknown2010' = Status or potential was unknown in 2010. 'Information not available' = Information not available
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for QE33VAL <> "8"
Conditional. If there has been a change in classification since the first RBMP was reported, indicate whether the reported change in status or potential is considered as being/due to: 'Consistent change' = A real change of status due to measures or due to increased/decreased pressures. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to assessment methods' = A significant change in the assessment method since the first RBMPs. 'Inconsistent due to changes to monitoring and assessment methods' = A significant change in monitoring (site, methodology) and the assessment method since the first RBMPs. The default value to select should be 'Consistent change'. Quality checks Conditional check: Report if qeStatusOrPotentialChange is '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for qeStatusOrPotential​Change = '+2', '+1', '-1' or '-2'.
For heavily modified river or lake water bodies, indicate whether the water body is a reservoir that has been created by damming a river ('Yes') or an existing lake ('No'). It is the recommendation of this Guidance that reservoirs formed by damming rivers should be reported as heavily modified river water bodies.However, Member States may choose to report reservoirs formed by damming rivers as lake water bodies if they wish. The 'reservoir' schema element must be reported so that Member States can clarify the designation. 'Yes' = Select only if the whole surface water body represents a reservoir (or part of a reservoir) created by damming a river. (surfaceWaterBodyCategory must be reported as 'RW' and naturalAWBHMWB as 'Heavily Modified'). 'No' = Select if the whole surface water body represents a reservoir (or part of a reservoir) created by modifying an existing lake, or if the surface water body includes some small reservoirs which are not significant enough to be identified as separate surface water bodies. (surfaceWaterBodyCategory must be reported as 'LW' and naturalAWBHMWB as 'Heavily Modified'). 'Unclear' = Select in such cases where the reservoir has been created by damming a water body which contained chained rivers and lakes. (surfaceWaterBodyCategory must be reported as 'RW' or 'LW' and naturalAWBHMWB as 'Heavily Modified'). 'The water body is not a reservoir' = Indicates that the river or lake water body is not a reservoir. Quality checks: Conditional check: Report if surfaceWaterBodyCategory is 'RW' or 'LW' AND naturalHeavilyModified is 'Heavily Modified'.
string (1)
Conditional, mandatory for MODIFIED = 'Y'.
Kennung für die Flussgebietseinheit. Der Code besteht aus einer vierstelligen Nummerierung für die Flussgebietseinheit.
string (4)
Dieses Attribut kann benutzt werden, um einzelne Gewässer selektieren zu können, z.B. wichtige Flüsse gemäß WRRL-Anhang I.
string (6)
Code des Gesamtgewässers, von der Quelle bis zur Mündung, zu dem das Segment gehört Beispiel: 2 für Rhein in Deutschland. (Für Deutschland gelten die Empfehlungen der LAWA Richtlinie für Gebiets und Gewässerverschlüsselung)
string (20)
Maßstabskategorie nach Codelist: Name - Value: H: High - scales greater than 1:25.000 L: Large - scales smaller than or equal to 1:25.000 and greater than 1:50.000 M: Medium - scales smaller than or equal to 50.000 and greater than 200.000 S: Small - scales smaller than or equal to 200.000 U: Unknown
string (1)
Ortsüblicher Name des Fließgewässerabschnitts
string (100)
Angaben zur Nutzung des Gewässerabschnitts erweiterte Codelistenauswahlmöglichkeit mit: 99 = no value/keine Angabe
string (2)
If the surface water body type corresponds with an intercalibration type, report the intercalibration type code (not name). The intercalibration type reported in this element must be appropriate to the surface water body’s Category. If there is no corresponding intercalibration type, select ‘Not relevant’. Report 'Not relevant' for territorial waters. Quality checks: Element check: SurfaceWaterBodyIntercalibrationType must be reported. A valid option must be selected from the enumeration list. More than one option can be selected. Within-schema check: 'Not relevant' should be reported if SurfaceWaterBodyCategory is 'TeW'. Cross-schema check: SurfaceWaterBodyIntercalibrationType must be consistent with the codes reported in SWMET/IntercalibrationType
string (254)
Required. Indicate the confidence on the chemical status assigned. ‘0’ = No information. ‘1’ = Low confidence. ‘2’ = Medium confidence. ‘3’ = High confidence. The criteria used by Member States to assess confidence vary considerably, but general guidance may be: Low = no monitoring data; Medium = limited or insufficiently robust monitoring data for some or all Priority Substances that are discharged in the RBD; High = good data for all Priority Substances that are discharged in the RBD. LAWA-interne Festlegung: es ist für DE grundsätzlich '3' für 'High confidence' einzugeben
string (1)
Required. Indicate the confidence on the ecological status assigned. '0' = No information. '1' = Low confidence. '2' = Medium confidence. '3' = High confidence. The criteria used by Member States to assess confidence vary considerably, but general guidance may be: Low = no monitoring data; Medium = limited or insufficiently robust monitoring data; High = good data. LAWA-interne Festlegung: es ist für DE grundsätzlich '3' für 'High confidence' einzugeben
string (1)
Conditional. If '7 Other anthropogenic pressures' is selected from the enumeration list and reported under swSignificantPressureType, provide details of any other anthropogenic pressure types which are relevant in this element. This element should only be reported if the pressure type is not included in the enumeration list under swSignificantPressureType. Quality checks: Conditional check: Report if '7 Other anthropogenic pressures' is selected from the enumeration list under swSignificantPressureType.
string ​(1000)
Conditional, mandatory for '7 Other anthropogenic pressures' = selected from the enumeration list under SwSignificant​PressureType.
Required. Indicate the significant pressure type(s) from the enumeration list. If a combination of pressure-driver is not significant on its own but it is in combination with others, select all the relevant pressures of that type that are present which make the overall pressure significant (e.g. if abstraction from industry or agriculture is not relevant on their own but they are relevant in combination, select both). If the ecological status or potential of the surface water body is less than good, at least one significant pressure type must be reported. The option 'No significant pressure types' is not valid. If the chemical status of the surface water body is less than good, at least one significant pressure type must be reported. The option 'No significant pressure types' is not valid. Quality checks: Within-schema check: the option 'No significant pressure types' is not compatible with any other. Within-schema check: the option 'Not relevant' is not compatible with any other option and can be selected if and only if surfaceWaterBodyCategory is 'TeW' (not compatible with any other surfaceWaterBodyCategory). Within-schema check: If SWB/SurfaceWaterBody/swEcologicalStatusOrPotentialValue is '3', '4' or '5', at least one significant pressure type must be selected from the enumeration list (can include option '8 Unknown pressures'). The option 'No significant pressure types' is not a valid selection. Within-schema check: If SWB/SurfaceWaterBody/swChemicalStatusValue is '3', at least one significant pressure type must be selected from the enumeration list (can include '8 Unknown pressures'). The option 'No significant pressure types' is not a valid selection. Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich, kommasepariert ohne Leerstellen.
string (254)
Angabe des Segmentendes in Kilometer mit bis zu fünf Nachkommastellen, ausgehend von der Flussmündung bestimmt.
number (9.5)
URL einer optionalen Web-Seite zur objektbezogenen Einbindung eigener internetbasierter Informationsquellen. Der URL sollte stets in der Form http://-prefix aufgebaut werden.
string (255)
Ist der Code des zugehörigen Wasserkörpers seit der letzten Berichterstattung zum 1.,2., usw. BWP gleichgeblieben, soll hier der gleiche Code wie in Feld EU_CD_RW angegeben werden. Sofern der Code des zugehörigen Wasserkörpers seit der letzten Berichterstattung zum 1.,2., usw. BWP geändert wurde, soll hier der bzw. die letzte(n) berichtete(n) Code(s) (EU_CD_RW) des/der geänderten Wasserkörper(s) angegeben werden. Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich kommasepariert ohne Leerstellen. Fehlwert: -9999
string (254)
Angabe der Änderung des Wasserkörpers. Detailinformation: Type of event that produced or modified the version of the object being reported. This attribute is required to explicitly report changes and update the current status of the object in the Water Information System for Europe. -- Further information -- See the GIS guidance for additional information on the management of life-cycle information.
string (33)
Kennung fuer das Bearbeitunsgebiet bzw. den Koordinierungsraum. Der Code besteht aus einer vierstelligen Numerierung fuer das Bearbeitungsgebiet bzw. den Koordinierungsraum.
string (10)
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde : Stand: 01.08.2017 - 20:22:59